ETHERSUN Solar Management



ETHERSUN® is one of the leading European manufacturers for String combiner boxes, DC/AC switchboards and full range of SCADA solutions. More than 140 people work in order to provide a full range of products and good service. ETHERSUN has delivered close 90% of its products around the world –Europe, Asia and South America.

ETHERSUN develops, manufactures and provides the following products and services:

- EtherSun Combiner Box: Strings Combiner Box (L1).

- EtherSun Recombiner Box: Re-combiner Box (L2).

- EtherSun Weather Station: Complete Weather station.

- EtherSun Power Panel: AC/DC Power panel boards.

- EtherSun Power Station: Power stations with inverter and MV equipment in sea reefer.

- EtherSun Gateway Box: Data acquisition box for power stations.

- EtherSun Communication Box: Data acquisition box for substations.

- EtherSun Web Portal: Web system monitoring and control.

- EtherSun Control Center: Web control center for multiple PV plants.


ETHERSUN has the equipment and resources needed for service installation, start-up, and commissioning anywhere in the world.

ETHERSUN is the AUTRIAL's trademark for Solar Business.

+34 (0) 961 37 92 96
Adres Wizytowka: 

Villa de Madrid, 69

46988 Paterna, Valencia, Spain