Levasoft developed a tool for the compilation of solar projects for you which will help you to significantly reduce costs. The Solar.Pro.Tool reduces your expenditure of time, required for the compilation and planning per project to less than 15 minutes.
The Solar.Pro.Tool is a unique software to plan and calculate PV-projects. An easy usage delivers a detailed calculation of statics, disposition, CAD, Polysun and bill of materials.
The result is based on static calculations which are stored in the data base. A visualization is rendered of the areas to be covered with PV modules, a processible CAD and statics drawing, the required bill of materials of the needed parts for the mounting of the PV modules and the respective project summery. Naturally, if you require so Levasoft will integrate the Solar.Pro.Tool to be able to interact with existing CRM- or ERP Systems. The sizing of inverters and a calculation of the revenue forecast is also included.
Levasoft is managed by its owners and is an innovative IT Company, located in Klagenfurt/Austria. Even though we breath, live and talk IT, the customer as a person with his specific needs is the in the center of our focus. We have made it our key note to understand our customer.
As an IT company we attach great importance to a sustained yield to our actions and products. This sustained yield is created by our 360° method while comprehending and working on issues, while we interlock all aspects one with another. This integrative companywide approach qualifies us to be a reliably long term partner for our partners.
No other software brings statics, CAD and statics output, easy operation, business reporting and interaction with existing systems together in one solution, which is to be used as a web application.
Sterneckstr. 6
9020 Klagenfurt, Austria