Cleantecs GmbH


SOLA-TECS, your solar cleaner for cleaning and caring for photovoltaic systems


It's no secret anymore that solar power and photovoltaic systems need to be regularly cleaned.In order to preserve the value and function of a cost-intensive PV system over a long period and increase its yield in the process, it needs to be cleaned regularly - and this is done best in a professional and environmentally friendly manner. 


With the SOLA-TECS series, Cleantecs offers a professional solution for the cleaning and care of solar power and photovoltaic systems. The so called C class and W class comprise two models for powerfully cleaning large surfaces within a very short time. And both of these are based on motorless technology in which the brush rollers are set into rotation by a high pressure cleaner. With their compact design, low unit weight and guidance via a telescopic lance, the portable devices guarantee quick and easy cleaning of all photovoltaic systems. However, the solar cleaners also deliver brilliant results in other areas of application, whether it be glass, building or winter garden cleaning.

+49 (0) 7307 9265-0
Adres Wizytowka: 

Grundweg 10

89250 Senden, Germany

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