Rinovasol GmbH


Rinovasol GmbH is a German company which is focused on the repairing and purchase of defective solarmodules. With the patented technology its possible to fix about 70% of defective modules. Rinovasol's repaired modules are already working again in DE, AT, CZ, RO.

We at Rinovasol know what we are doing:

• We and thus our procedures are insured with Allianz
- Insurance certificate Nr.AS- 9815632013
• We offer the common manufacturer's guarantees for our restored modules:
- 5 years full guarantee
- 10 years for 90% performance
• Patent pending for our procedure
- Patent number 102014102729.9
• With our technology, we always process the side of the module that will later be installed towards the gutter as well, to improve water drainage immensely.
This leads to the following benefits:
- Our modules have nearly no contamination anymore
- Much higher efficiency
- Clearly improved service life

Test us. The expertise of your defective solar (PV) modules is for free and non-binding!

No other company will pay more for defective solar (PV) modules than us, if they can be fixed by our technology!

+49 (0) 9614 849 9074
Adres Wizytowka: 

Dr.-von-Rieppel-Str. 2

92637 Weiden, Germany