Pro D3 Srl


Pro D3 srl is an Italian company founded in 2005 as a design studio, dedicating its resources to the development of solutions connected to the energy supply needs in relation with renewable energy sources.

Since 2008 Pro D3 designs, manufactures and installs photovoltaic and thermal solar turnkey plants. In June 2010, the Pro D3 made the first prototype of a Photovoltaic Generator Mobile, designed and patented by its engineers. In 2012, the patent was extended to more than 60 countries around the world including: Europe, Australia, Canada, China, India, Mexico, South Africa, USA, and Pro D3 has finalized investment in the production, promotion and marketing of the first iKube.


iKube is a photovoltaic generator Mobile ready for use, can ensure up to 4 kW of power. Designed for the purpose of providing electrical power, in all those areas of the globe not covered by a grid connection and for all uses that require to be able to move its own source of energy. iKube can also operate in the absence of sunshine, offering the advantage of compactness, absence of noise, absence of smoke and absence of fuel costs.

+39 071 7821335
Adres Wizytowka: 

Via Ho Chi Min 12

60022 Castelfidardo (AN), Italy